

只有佩戴高过滤性活性碳,碳分子筛 Carbon Molecular Sieve 的口罩,才能有效阻止小颗粒进入,预防病毒。专家建议,口罩最好是一次性使用,更重要的是要采取常洗手、避免去人多的地方等保护措施


富氧戒网瘾, Oxygen-rich to quit network of addiction

In the turbid air, the children arethe head lifeless, Oxygen-rich to quit network of addiction by natural fresh air,and the dynamic system withcarbon molecular sieve oxygen concentration of 40% have a certain effect. In my understanding, the ring network of homes in some children were forced confinement, electric shocks and other inhumane treatment means, or even leaving the hospital after a warning network perturbed mind, the treatment of these children have been intimidated, instead of being cured. And public opinion have been ignored in the dark corners. All publicity is just the shape of the ring network hospital, suffering from problems of parents, children and the evil. At the same time, net addiction treatment center is also a large number of emerging national, mainstream media, adding fuel to the fire for them. The interests of the chain has been formed. Natural fresh air, the dynamic system with carbon molecular sieve oxygen concentration of 40% of the children physical and mental health,Oxygen-rich to quit network of addiction,the first, natural fresh air, and secondly, the dynamic system of carbon molecular sieve oxygen concentration of 40%


一男一女一藏獒去西藏. A man,a woman and a Tibetan mastiff go to Tibet

Our most reliable outdoor equipment and practical is the mountain top wind-type double-decker tent, waterproof warm wind abrasion resistance, dynamic system with carbon molecular sieve oxygen concentration of 40%, anthropomorphic design is perfect, the gap between two-tier larger confined good hail storm raging outside, the cozy to sit inside the bath therapy to medicine. our dynamic system with carbon molecular sieve oxygen concentration of 40%, it is like "天然氧吧" can be the same as oxygen, we No more worry about the snow-covered plateau of the lack of oxygen during the day hovering vehicles in the Qinghai-Tibet highway twists and turns along the way watch the blue sky, white clouds, snow-capped mountains, grasslands, sheep ... ... the beautiful scenery of the plateau. with a leading Heart Yoga藏密gods do. a few months down the physical and mental health we are. that the top double-decker high mountain tents and wind-based dynamic system with carbon molecular sieve oxygen concentration of 40% remains the same. www.biochemical-cms.com,www.carbon-molecular-sieve.com.cn


一男一女一藏獒去西藏. A man,a woman and a Tibetan mastiff go to Tibet

Our most reliable outdoor equipment and practical is the mountain top wind-type double-decker tent, waterproof warm wind abrasion resistance, dynamic system with Carbon Molecular Sieve oxygen concentration of 40%, anthropomorphic design is perfect, the gap between two-tier larger confined good hail storm raging outside, the cozy to sit inside the bath therapy to medicine. our dynamic system with Carbon Molecular Sieve oxygen concentration of 40%, it is like "天然氧吧" can be the same as oxygen, we No more worry about the snow-covered plateau of the lack of oxygen during the day in vehicles circled the twists and turns along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway Watch blue sky, white clouds, snow-capped mountains, grasslands, sheep ... ... the beautiful scenery of the plateau. with a leading Heart Yoga藏密gods do. a few months down the physical and mental health we have. it against wind and mountain top double-decker-type tents, waterproof warm wind abrasion resistance, dynamic system with Carbon Molecular Sieve oxygen



其实像诸如猪流感或者其他新发的传染病,在没有疫苗之前,健康教育是最好的疫苗。我再强调一遍,健康教育是最好的疫苗,为什么这么说呢?包括我们当年控制非典,也是健康教育是最好的疫苗。因为首先我们知道这个猪流感的整个传播途径,那么我们把这个传播途径告诉老百姓,老百姓就可以预防。到今天为止科学知识告诉我们,猪流感通常是通过三种方法传播的。第一种,是直接暴露得了猪流感的猪,活的猪,不是死的猪,这个有可能传染。目前没有任何证明中国的猪有任何感染。第二种,不要接触,它是通过患有猪流感病的人通过呼吸道传播,呼吸道传播有什么?比如说我们俩这么近距离,我说话可能有吐沫带有病毒传染你,还有我打喷嚏,这是有可能传染的。第三种,我假如我有猪流感的话,我打喷嚏、咳嗽,我一咳嗽很多病毒散到这个地方,你不小心摸下这个地方,你手上就有,也不会传染,但是你会摸到你的鼻子、嘴巴、眼睛,通过这些粘膜进去了。而人一天至少无意识地摸到自己的嘴、脸二十几次。所以预防疾病要注意第一,不要接触到这些东西,第二如果说已经接触了,你摸完扶手就去洗手,病毒一般在外界存活两个小时左右。所以当真正来临的时候,你做的最好的办法就是勤洗手,按规矩洗手,要多用水,还用肥皂、冲洗,正常宣传的洗手五步怎么洗,规范地洗手。只有佩戴高过滤性活性碳,碳分子筛 Carbon Molecular Sieve 的口罩,才能有效阻止小颗粒进入,预防病毒。专家建议,口罩最好是一次性使用,更重要的是要采取常洗手、避免去人多的地方等保护措施


猪流感病毒属于正粘病毒科(0rthomyxoviridae),甲型流感病毒属(Influenza virusA)。典型病毒颗粒呈球状,直径为80 nm~120nm,有囊膜。囊膜上有许多放射状排列的突起糖蛋白,分别是血凝素HA、神经氨酸酶NA和M2蛋白。病毒颗粒内为核衣壳, 呈螺旋状对称,直径为10nm。猪流感病毒为单股负链RNA病毒,基因组约为13.6kb,由大小不等的8个独立片段组成。尽管不同亚型之间可以组成很多种流感病毒血清型,但是可造成人感染猪流感病毒的血清型主要有H1N1、H1N2和H3N2。佩戴高过滤性活性碳,碳分子筛 Carbon Molecular Sieve 的口罩,可能有效阻止小颗粒进入,预防病毒。专家建议,口罩最好是一次性使用,更重要的是要采取常洗手、避免去人多的地方等保护措施。


  与墨西哥的做法不同,美国疾病预防和控制中心表示,鉴于口罩作用并不大,不建议民众使用。墨西哥政府分发的口罩只能够防止他人的唾沫溅到自己,只有佩戴高过滤性活性碳,碳分子筛 Carbon Molecular Sieve 的口罩,才能有效阻止小颗粒进入,预防病毒。专家建议,口罩最好是一次性使用,更重要的是要采取常洗手、避免去人多的地方等保护措施



航天员在太空中的生活保障 碳分子筛 carbon molecular sieve 法吸收舱内其它微量有害气体,达到净化舱内大气的作用、近年来,利用固态胺、分子筛等多孔物质进行二氧化碳气体收集和浓缩,然后用催化还原技术把二氧化碳气体变成水和甲烷,再用电解法把水分解成为氧气和氢气,氧气用于航天员呼吸,氢气用于二氧化碳气体还原反应,..